June 6, 2012

June 2012

Our June meeting will be held Tuesday, June 12 at 7pm. We will meet for dinner at 5:30pm at Holiday Ham in Germantown for anyone who would like to join!


For our program this month, Chris will be demonstrating how to do Surface Embroidery (embroidery on smocking). This will mainly be a demonstration but if you would like to practice some of the stitches, then please bring: milliners or straw needles, floss, embroidery scissors, and a small pleated sampler.

Wee Care

Please bring in your completed gowns and be prepared to sign out some more! We have a few orders to fill and would also love to start a stockpile of gowns for when we are hit with last minute orders!

Please bring any show and share that you have to our next meeting! But, in the meantime, check out this sweet dress Dianne made for her great niece Maisye's first birthday!
Sweet Maisye's Dress

And, here is Laura's daughter Emily in her completed basic yoke!
Lee Pattern and "Count Your Blessings" plate. 
  See you all on Tuesday! Our July meeting will be a Salad Supper and Sit 'n Sew!!

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to send you a note to say thank you for what you do. We delivered a stillborn son on May 31st at Baptist Womens. In the midst of all of the sadness / shock of losing our son and what our next steps would be, it was unbeliveably comforting to know that he had something to wear for his burial. My husband and I had no idea people provided these outfits for parents / babies in our situation. We are so grateful - Thank you...
