January 8, 2015

January, 2015

This Month’s Meeting

Our January meeting will be Tuesday, January 13 at 7:00 pm. We will meet at Panera for dinner at 5:30. All are welcome! Please join us!

Kit’s Korner

Happy New Year Ladies!!

I hope this letter finds each and every one of you healthy and happy for the new year! I'm also hoping your Christmas holidays were safe and not too weary!! Now that we began to put away our decorations away and clean up our homes for yet what feels like the hundredth time, I would like for you to take a minute to really look in your sewing rooms. If yours is anything like mine right now, it looks like a small funnel cloud has hit it! I often use my cutting table for wrapping presents, (as it is a nice height for me) and there are scraps of wrapping paper mixed in with the scraps of fabric on the floor, along with overflowing trash cans!! Time to do a serious inventory and major clean-up. But really? Isn't that what the new year is for? A jump start to get our house in order? Our life in gear? Our minds uncluttered? A resolution to start a new diet? Let's face it, it's a tall order!!!

So what I propose we do this year in our little Guild are Baby Steps (: For our January Meeting, we don't have a program on the books since it's our first meet, and we will discuss everyone taking a month as usual to fill our year. So I am asking everyone to go thru their sewing rooms and find an unfinished project that you have set aside, to bring in January to work on. Surely you have something that needs some handwork left on it, maybe a kit you have always wanted to start, but never got too, maybe something that just needs a hem and neckband, maybe even some embroidery on a baby dress that you've put down! I must have 50 kits or projects of my own, so I'm happy to share!! They do not have to be smocking related either.

Whatever it is, we are going to finish at least ONE unfinished project this year as our resolution!!!! It will be fun to watch the progress as a group and our work is always so much more appreciated when we do things together!! 

This is the start of our de-cluttering!! Baby Steps Ladies, Baby Steps!!

Looking forward to seeing what everyone brings!!


Wee Care Gowns – Workday 4th Tuesday of Each Month

Please bring in any finished Wee Care gowns and be prepared to take home some new ones! 

Our next Wee Care workday at Lord of Life Lutheran Church (Poplar Pike) will be Tuesday, January 27 from 9:30 – 2:00.
If you can come for all or part of the day, it would be a great help. We need folks to bring sewing machines to sew the outfits that have been pinned.

Local and National Dues Reminder

Please remember to bring your local MASG dues of $15. Also please remember to pay your National Dues by going to the Smocking Arts Guild of America website http://www.smocking.org/

Show and Share:

Here are the ladies who had such fun at the Christmas Party. Thank you Sarah for hosting this year!

See you all on Tuesday night!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a NICU nurse in town and today I put one of your beautiful gowns on a sweet baby girl after she died. We took such precious pictures of her in it...she looked like an angel. I just felt compelled to look y'all up and tell you thank so much for donating your time and talents to our babies. It may not seem like much to you, but those gowns make a difference to many broken-hearted parents (and nurses!).
